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December 2014

About danblackstone

Gaston OregonUnited States-Member since December 2014

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Hi! I'm Dan Blackstone! I am a veteran, staunch 2A supporter and owner of Blackstone Gun Safety. We teach concealed carry classes for Oregon, Utah and Arizona. Check out our website, www.BlackstoneGunSafety.com
Friday, March 31st

Mr. B's new shoulder holster

Dan finally found a shoulder holster he could live with at Ted Blocker Holsters. It's all leather and very comfortable. Now we need some range time so he can practice with it.

Tuesday, October 11th

Fun times at the Front Sight 4 Day

We had a group of 11 at the class and had a great time. We had a wide range of experience but everyone left feeling good and our inexperienced folks had so much more confidence and ability. We're looking forward to going back for the pistol class in the Spring.

Monday, September 19th

Blackstone Concealed Carry

BlackstoneGunSafety had an amazing turnout on Sunday afternoon with new eager students ready to become concealed carriers. Our class covered basic #gunownership practices, from the importance of #properguncleaning methods, proper hand position, and safety checks. Blackstone Gun Safety covered the laws and legalities of having a #concealedcarrypermit and the responsibilities we must set as gun owners. Our large class generate opportunities for questions from the audience, which creates a knowledgeable learning experience not only for new carriers but also returning students.

Sign up for an upcoming classes by visiting, https://www.blackstonegunsafety.com/

Friday, September 16th

Shooting with a Grandson.

Recently we were able to spend some range time with two of our grandkids and introduce them to handguns. We had a great time and have two new shooters in the family.

Wednesday, August 24th

Blackstone Gun Safety at the Clacka

We had a lot of fun at the fair and had lots of visitors stop by to say hello. We plan to make this an annual event.

Tuesday, July 5th

Blackstone Gun Safety at the St. Pa

We had a great time at the St Paul Rodeo and carnival. The Fourth of July parade was pure small town America and so fun to watch. We felt blessed to spend time with real, patriotic Americans who love this country and the Second Amendment.

Thursday, June 23rd

Training at the range.

We did some moving and shooting at the range today with some friends and worked on weak hand/strong hand shooting. Kudos to Dennis who does all of this on crutches.

Thursday, February 18th

Mr. B at the Monarch Hotel - 2016-

I taught our concealed carry class at the Monarch Hotel for the first time on 2/14/16. We usually do the Clackamas class at the Courtyard by Marriott but we had too many students for the room there. We're very pleased to see more and more people wanting to take control of their own self defense and more women attending the classes.

Saturday, February 6th

My First Rodeo

This is the description of My First Rodeo.