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United States-Member since December 2015

Tuesday, February 7th

M4 Carbine Slow Motion

The #M4 #M4A1 #556mm #Carbine is a lightweight, gas operated, air cooled, magazine fed, selective rate, shoulder fired weapon with a collapsible stock. It is now the standard issue firearm for most units in the #US #military.

Equipped with a shorter barrel, collapsible stock and detachable carrying handle (with a built-in accessory rail) it provides #soldiers operating in close quarters with improved handling and the capability to rapidly and accurately engage targets at extended range, day or night.

A shortened variant of the #M16A2 #rifle, the #M4carbine provides the individual soldier operating in close quarters the capability to engage targets at extended range with accurate, lethal fire. The M4-series Carbine achieves over 80% commonality with the #M16A2 #Rifle and replaces all #M3 #45caliber #submachine #guns, and selected #M9 #pistols and #M16 rifles.

The #Army is pursuing a two-phase PIP to keep the M4 carbine inventory strong. Phase I upgrades the Army’s M4s to the Special Forces’ M4A1, while Phase II explores future improvements for the M4A1 Carbine to deliver enhanced reliability, durability, ergonomics and zero retention.

There are several benefits to upgrading M4s to M4A1s. Compared to the M4 , the M4A1 has full auto capability, a consistent trigger pull, and a slightly heavier barrel. The heavier barrel is more durable and has greater capacity to maintain accuracy and zero while withstanding the heat produced by high volumes of fire. New and upgraded M4A1s will also receive ambidextrous fire control.

Project Manager Soldier Weapons (PM SW) initiated Phase I by modifying its contract for the production of M4s to the M4A1. PM SW took delivery of 9,582 new M4A1s to complete this action. In support, TACOM Life Cycle Management Command will have fielded approximately 6,000 M4A1 Carbines to the 101st Airborne Division by September and plans to field an additional 3,000 M4A1s to another unit within the next several months.

Read More Courtesy of Military.com....

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Monday, November 28th

Pumpkin Explosion Gun.Rodeo Style!

Gun.rodeo always has a good solution on how to get rid of your pumpkins after the holidays. Share your #explosions and #shoots to enter to #win a variety of products sponsored by #SaluteTargets, #Sureshot, #TVM ammo, #TNWFirearms, and #PatriotDefense.

Subscribe to Gun.Rodeo's Youtube channel to see more incredible video's.

Tuesday, November 22nd

Propelling Military Aviation in Slo

Early years of #militaryaviation and #fighterpilots often had to be careful about how much they fired their forward #machinegun because firing it would slowly eat away at their own propeller. Fortunately for fighter pilots, by #WWII a "synchronization gear" or "interrupter" had been developed and was standard equipment on fighters flown by both the allied and axis powers.

In it's simplest form, the "synchronization gear" is something like a series of raised bumps on the main #propeller shaft. The bumps would be lined up with propeller blades so when the raised bump has rotated toward the machine gun the propeller blade would also be in front of the machine gun.

The bump on the shaft would momentarily separate the pilot's trigger from the machine gun. As a result, the machine gun would stop firing (aka be interrupted) for a fraction of a second as the propeller would sweep past the machine gun barrel. Later in WWII this technology mattered much less as jet engines made the entire concept obsolete.

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Wednesday, October 26th

Bombs Away!

Got a spare truck...and just happen to have a #mortarlauncher? Combine the two for target practice and test your accuracy, you'll soon find out its harder than it looks and isn't as easy as they make it look on TV. Of course Gun Rodeo doesn't promote destroying a perfectly good pickup for the purpose of awesome video, but we did enjoy watching these guys from #FullMag.

If you've got some killer videos of #explodingtargets or maybe shooing an #exoticfirearm post a Rodeo on our Livefeed and enter to win a #SaluteSteelTarget, #SureShot Exploding Targets, or a #TNW Aero Survival #Rifle, and much more.

Enter Gun Rodeo Daily Giveaways...

Monday, October 3rd

Target Practice on a Whole New Leve

#Massiveblast...Watch as we shoot 250lbs of #ExplodingTarget Mix packed into a two man raft on a pond. This is all filmed on a private pond. If you enjoy a good explosion, you're bound to enjoy the hell out of this!

Enter to win Sure Shot Exploding targets on Gun Rodeo by entering your email or double your chases by posting a Rodeo.

Watch More Courtesy of GY6vids....

Wednesday, August 31st

Dude Perfect Trick Shot

When you've got time to kill and friends to do it with, the #DudePerfect guys show us how to make it happen. This group of brilliant #tricksters formed after years of and countless attempts to out do each other and a few #viralvideos that spread other media platforms. This talented inspired faith-based buddies demonstrate #trickshots ranging from #basketballdunking battles to #lawnmowerracing and #breakingworldrecords captured all on video.

Stay tuned for more outrageously phenomenal videos by selecting the Follow button to see more Slomo blogs. If you like the video and want to share, click the Email button above to show your friends!

Read More Courtesy of Dude Perfect....

Monday, August 1st

Propane Tank Explosion

Shooting a Large Propane Tank in Slow Motion and watching it burst into flames. Using the NEMO Arms OMEN Watchman 2.0 300win mag rifle.

Read More Courtesy of GY6vids....

Thursday, June 23rd

Massive Building Explosion

You know how it goes. You’ve got some fragmentation grenades kicking about the house and you want to set off a massive explosion inside a building. Usual weekend fare for the Slow Mo Guys.

Working with EA Games, The Slow Mo Guys blow up a building by tossing a grenade at a conveniently stacked pile of explosives. Gavin and Daniel filmed the whole awesome explosion in super slow motion(2500fps) in celebration of the release of Battlefield 4.

http://laughingsquid.com/blowing-up-a-huge-building-in-super-slow-motion-with-a-grenade-and-a-pile-of-explosives/"target="_blank" class="genLink">Read More Courtesy of Laughing Squid...

Thursday, May 5th

Everything's Better In Slow Mo

#GunRodeo #SlowMo is featuring #archery in a different way, and giving a little #inspiration for those avid #bowman searching for a new way to practice!

Want to show off your archery skills? Post a video or pictures and Enter your Rodeo to Win one of our Daily Giveaways!

U.S. Olympic Archery Trials

The field of archers vying for nominations to represent the U.S.A. at the 2016 summer #Olympics in Rio de Janeiro was cut in half, from 32 to 16 this week eight men and eight women. The cuts were made following the rigorous second stage of the #USOlympictrials overseen by USA Archery at the Olympic Training Center in Chula Vista, Calif. Not surprisingly, leading the way in qualifications after the second stage are the top-ranked male and female archers in the U.S.

Two-time Olympian and 2012 Olympic silver medalist Brady Ellison of Arizona, who is currently ranked fifth in the world by World Archery, leads the mens side, while Mackenzie Brown of Texas, who is ranked third in the world, tops the womens field.I shot really well, Ellison told USA Archery. I think I had about a 28.58 three-arrow average (out of a possible 30) so Im really happy that, over 15 matches, with conditions ranging from calm to very windy, that I was able to maintain that average.

Watch More Courtesy of Youtube...

Read More Courtesy of Lancaster Archery...

Wednesday, March 9th

Taser From Hell

The first thing you get to see is a mixture of pink and yellow confetti that explodes from the #Taser when it's fired. That #explosion surely isn't there just to make anyone smile. In fact, each #confetti boasts a unique serial number, vital in case police need to find out whether a Taser was fired at a crime scene. The man who #volunteered to be filmed while getting hit with a Taser, Dan Hafen, wasn't a stuntman, but a colleague who works for the maker of the Phantom camera that The Slow Mo Guys (Gavin Free and Daniel Gruchy) used.

The footage shows his muscles contracting as the stun gun's probes break the skin to deliver a high-voltage payload. In the X26 Taser the voltage peaks at 50,000 volts. “It feels like it's never going to end,” Dan said after receiving the shock. “It’s a long five seconds.” The #TaserX26 uses compressed nitrogen to project two small probes five meters at a speed of about 55 meters per second. These probes are connected to the stun gun by high-voltage insulated wire, the description on the company's website reads.

According to Taser, the 26 watt electrical signal is powerful enough to “take down even the largest of assailants.” It's transmitted thoroughout the area where the probes make contact with the body, resulting in an “immediate loss of the person's neuromuscular control, balance and the ability to perform coordinated actions.”

While the company insists that Tasers are “non-lethal” weapons, the American Civil Liberties Union says that over 500 people have died in the US since 2001 after law enforcement officers used stun guns against them, according to a 2012 ACLU report.

Read More Courtesy of RT...

Thursday, February 18th

Double Trouble

In normal circumstances, shooting 20 rounds from a #1911 in less than 1.5 seconds—on target, no less—is absurd. Even when you throw in a second 1911, it’s still a tall order for speed shooter #JerryMiculek. He may be a wizard on the #firing line, but there’s only so much he can do to challenge the laws of physics.

So in comes the #doublebarreled1911 from #ArsenalFirearms. Introduced roughly 100 years after the original, this “Second Century” 1911 from the #Italiangun maker offers shooters twice the #firepower and twice the fun. After all, who needs four arms when you can just make your #guns #shoot more bullets?

“The experience is quite different,” Jerry said in his summary of the pistol. “I do have to say, there’s a lot of horsepower. You’re shooting two .45 ACP 230[grain] round ball ammunition at one time, at one trigger pull. So you’re getting 460 grains of lead downrange. So the thump that you feel is close to a .500 magnum, maybe a little bit less.”

Read More Courtesy of Outdoor Hub...

Tuesday, January 5th

Jerry Miculek At It Again

#JerryMiculek is still fast. Like that is a surprise to anyone. But watch the #superslomo on the reload. Watching Jerry’s steps broken down in slow motion is just awe inspiring. Seeing him let go of the rounds before they even enter the cylinder so he can get his hand back on fire control simply amazes me. He is using a #SandW929 chambered in 9mm. 8 rds on moonclips.

Read and Watch More Courtesy of The Firearm Blog...

Tuesday, January 5th

Fierce Anti-Tank Rifle

YouTube channel #RatedRR is known to destroy things with their vast #gun collection and their latest video pits a 27-inch iMac against a #Finnish20mm #antitankrifle from World War II. The rounds for this gun cost roughly $40-$60 each. If you want to feel a little extra depressed this Monday while you’re in your cubicle, check out the video below to see if the iMac survives.

Read More Courtesy of iPhone In Canada...

Monday, January 4th

Just Another Day In Training

A recent video from the YouTube channel #VickersTactical shows #GreenBerets firing #heavyweaponry in super slow-motion.

The Green Berets, otherwise known as the #USArmySpecialForces are a special operations force tasked with reconnaissance, counter-terror, and unconventional warfare-related missions. The video was filmed at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, the home of US Army airborne forces and Special Forces, as well as US Army Forces Command and #USArmyReserve Command.

We have highlighted some of the most hypnotic segments of the video through a series of GIFs below. They show what heavy projectiles look like in flight, and give an idea of just how much firepower these weapons can pack.

Read and Watch More Courtesy of Business Insider...

Monday, January 4th

Flintlock Muzzle-Loading Musket

This past weekend was the #bicentennial anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, where Napoleon was defeated by the combined armies of the #British and Prussians, and which marked the transition of #Europe into a four-decade-long peace that would only be interrupted by the #CrimeanWar in 1853.

#Waterloo occurred in an era of #flintlock primed #blackpowder weapons, two examples being the India Pattern Musket (a variant of the famous Brown Bess) and the Model 1805 Baker Rifle. #RoyalArmouries released slow-motion footage of both weapons being fired in time for the anniversary:

Read and Watch More Courtesy of The Firearm Blog...

Monday, January 4th

Locked and Loaded

When the #sixbarreled electrically-powered #DillonAeroM134D #Minigun fires, you can only see a terrifying blurry vomit of death coming out of it. In #superslowmotion, however, this lethal machine looks fascinating. Especially when it's only destroying an old car from a helicopter.

While you watch RatedRR's latest awesome demonstration, keep in mind that this thing is firing at 3,000 rounds per minute.

Read and Watch More Courtesy of Sploid.gizmodo...

Monday, January 4th

Mind Blowing M60

#American #military #weaponry is mind boggling in every way – conceptual, technological, and lay-down-a-world-of-hurt-ological.

When you combine that technology with #slowmotion camera’s and see how the machinery works, it’s even more impressive – so let’s get to it.

Read and Watch More Courtesy of Controversial Times...

Monday, January 4th

Pull. Aim. Fire.

Shot at the #HollandandHolland #Shooting Grounds
A film using advanced #slowmotion camera technology to show the art of #claypigeon shooting.

Read and Watch More Courtesy of Vimeo...

Monday, January 4th

Full Auto Shot Gun

I can't have enough of videos that show things cut in half working. This one shows a #fullyautomaticshotgun in action. It's sad to see how humans spend so much time and intelligence developing perfect death machines like these—but the engineering work is fascinating nonetheless.

Read and Watch More Courtesy of Slow-motion Cutaway...

Wednesday, December 30th

Full Auto All The Way

Watch video below.

"We recently had a new IDT Y5 HDiablo sent to us as a demo. This is the first of 3 #highspeedcameras we will be testing this month before we make a decision on which one to purchase.

We shot in several different types of situations over a 2 day period and this quick little demo was made for the purpose of including the Y5 in a realistic workflow from concept to final cut. We’ll be writing a blog about it later. The two other cameras we will be testing are the #PhotronBC2 and the Phantom Flex.

Equipment: Canon 5D, 7D, Lots of lenses, IDT Y5 Diablo, 300mm Zeiss PL, 35mm Zeiss super speed, Zylight & Lightpanels

Guns: M-249 SAW, M4 (7″ Barrel), HK-53, #MG-42, G-17 select fire, PPSh-41, #AR-15 & M-16"

Read and Watch More Courtesy of The Firearm Blog...

Wednesday, December 30th

Cannon Anyone

Watch video below.

In the latest video by The Slow Mo Guys, Gavin Free and Daniel Gruchy fire a cannon at a pyramid of cocktails and capture the obliteration at 2,500 frames per second. They also managed to shoot their GoPro camera with the cannon—a misfortune the famously robust camera did not survive.

Read and Watch More Courtesy of Laughing Squid...

Wednesday, December 30th

Apples and Bananas and Everything I

Watch Video Below.

Yesterday was Monday, which sucked. Today is Tuesday, so make it suck a bit less. Keep your frustrations to yourself and let this video from #VickersTactical get them out for you. Admittedly, it was made by a band of #buckshot-wild #gun enthusiasts, and it's certainly not the first time we've seen this kind of #high-FPS stuff. But we have to admit, it works. There are few things more satisfying than seeing stuff turn to slurry, and here that's done well.

Read and Watch More Courtesy of The Creators Project...

Wednesday, December 30th

Incredible Shotgun Speed Loader

Watch incredible video below.

Watching #JerryMiculek handle a gun, any gun really, is pretty much the closest thing we get in the #gun world to poetry.
In this video, which is shot at 14,000 FPS for the #slowmotion and 60 FPS for the standard shots we see just that.

Jerry shows us how quickly a properly equipped competition #shotgun can be reloaded, and, of course, because it’s Jerry Miculek, he does it even faster than most.

Jerry Miculek is part of the Smith and Wesson competition shooting team. He is a Seven time #USPSA 3-Gun National Championship, Four time USPSA Multi-gun National Championship, Twenty time International Revolver Champion, Eight time USPSA National Revolver Champion, and Ten time IDPA Enhanced Service Revolver Champion, among others.

Read and Watch More Courtesy of Guns Save Lives...

Wednesday, December 30th

Underwater Gun Shot

In the latest video by The Slow Mo Guys, Gavin Free and Dan Gruchy bring a whole lot of bang to their pool party by firing bullets from a pistol underwater in super slow motion. The gunshots were captured at 27,450 frames per second by a Phantom V1610 ultra high speed camera.

Watch amazing underwater gun shot below!

Read and Watch More Courtesy of Laughing Squid...

Wednesday, December 30th

H&K UMP 45 in Full Auto

Watch Matt Korovesis, of Outdoor Hub, and Dakota Arms shoot a demo H&K UMP 45 in full auto. Matt films the UMP in slow motion.

Watch video below.

Read More Courtesy of The Firearm Blog...