ARMY Reflex three-eighths

ARMY Reflex three-eighths

Hillman, MI

Made of 3/8 inch thick AR500 Armor Plate Steel23.375 inch Tall | 9.52 inch Wide | 19.6 PoundsREVERSIBLE Target Face

The Army Reflex Threat Target gives immediate feed back of target strike success and location—increasing your instinctive shooting skills.The ARMY Reflex Threat target was created by the US Army to teach soldiers how to instinctively neutralize targets in fast-moving life-or-death situations. Used in combination with the rapid pace of the point shooting method, the target movement, paddle swing and distinctive target strike ring gives you immediate feedback that you can incorporate in your next shot without forcing you to stop your shooting flow.

Posted Thursday, Jun 8 2017
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Please read the Gun Rodeo statement on Shopify's recent anti-gun actions. Thanks, I read it.