Salute Popper Combo Package (S) Made of 3/8 inch thick AR500 Steel 13.5 inch Tall | 8 inch Wide | 20 Pounds
Vladimir Putin, you either cheer him or boo him, but you cannot ignore him. The rest of the world knew this former province as the Ukrainian region of Crimea - until Vladimir over-ran it with Russian forces. His response to the western media was simply: “Cry me a river”. And to the independent nation of Ukraine, which had given up its nuclear forces with US President Bill Clinton’s & other Western assurances of protection of her borders, Vladimir simply responded “Ukraine? Mykraine!” To him and Mother Russia, the ignominious fall of the Soviet Union was avenged by these new territorial grabs of area where there was some representation of pro-Russian minorities. Yes, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is one tough customer: a hero to Russian nationalists, and a boisterous threat to his surrounding neighbors and the West. He appears to be a throwback to both historic Russian Imperial and later Communist ambitions: “What is Russia’s is mine, and what is yours is negotiable.” He was born 7 October 1952 in St Peterburg (formerly Leningrad) and has served alternating terms over the past two decades prime minister, then president, then prime minister, then president again of the Russian Federation. Raised in the former Soviet Union’s Communist education system, he studied law in school (graduated from Leningrad State University in 1975), served in the Soviet Army, and then in the KGB (its secret intelligence organization). He specialized as a foreign intelligence officer before retiring in 1991 and entering politics in St Petersburg. In 1996, he moved to Moscow and joined President Boris Yeltsin’s administration, rising quickly through the ranks. Under his periods of office, the Russian economy has grown and he has experienced considerable popularity. But with his invasion and annexation of Crimea, and military intervention in eastern Ukraine, Western sanctions have hurt the Russian economy. And under Vladimir Putin, Russia has scored poorly on independent Corruption and Democracy index ratings. Members of the free press who have opposed him have been silenced either through threats, intimidation, beatings, torture and murder. Putin has also extended the terms of service for the Russian presidency. During his terms in power, he has accumulated considerable personal wealth, accumulating upwards of $80 billion dollars. Forbes ranked him as the World’s Most Powerful Individual four times in a row, from 2013 to 2016. Yes, Vladimir has put his KGB training and experience to good use and is certainly the Russian tough guy!
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