Wild Turkey-XXL

Wild Turkey-XXL

Hillman, MI

Made of 3/8 inch thick AR500 Armor Plate Steel 17.7 inch Tall | 17.7inch Widel | 22.6 Pounds This is the extra large version This target is wider then the Large spring base front plate & bullet trap that protects the shooter from bullet fragments. Minimum shooting distance 50 yards on this target


OK ... we won't make any drinking jokes here. Before you call this AR500 target a "turkey" remember that it is steel armor plate and will repeatedly bounce back. Also note that this creature was called "a truly noble bird" by Benjamin Franklin and was his first choice in 1776 for the national symbol of our country. This based upon the fact that it was hearty sustenance for Pilgrims and Pioneers.

Posted Thursday, Jun 8 2017
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Please read the Gun Rodeo statement on Shopify's recent anti-gun actions. Thanks, I read it.