Gong Strap Pair

Hillman, MI

A pair of Rubber Gong Straps

First and formost, hanging your target from chains is inherantly dangerous. Any bullet stike on a chain can result in unpredictable and dangerous bullet deflection.

If you have ever hung targets in trees with rope or wire you know how eventualy the wire hangers get shot and break. Our rubber gong straps can withstand multiple bullet strikes without breaking. They are safe, inexpensive, and easy to replace in the field.

Can be used with or without our Gong stand. 2 straps will hold up to a 19.5 inch target, the 24 inch targets typically require 4 straps.

Posted Wednesday, May 31 2017
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Please read the Gun Rodeo statement on Shopify's recent anti-gun actions. Thanks, I read it.