Milford, NJ

Rifles Only is excited to announce "The Skinny" suppressor cover. We originally designed this cover to fit over smaller diameter suppressors and immediately realized it would be a good one for all sized suppressors. It is made very similar to our HAD yet it does not have the inner core that is used with our MAD and HAD's. It will fit 1" up to 2" diameter suppressor. The skinny can be unlaced and used as a suppressor cloth as well. Fully automatic fire is not recommended for this cover and will not be covered under warranty. We have used this cover in high rates of fire and it has held up great and cuts mirage. Obviously we ask you to be sensible and use the cover wisely.

Posted Thursday, Apr 18 2019
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Please read the Gun Rodeo statement on Shopify's recent anti-gun actions. Thanks, I read it.