2 Stage Fake Suppressor (7

2 Stage Fake Suppressor (7

Mesa, AZ

This light weight fake suppressor looks and weighs similar to the real thing and can be permanently attached to extend the barrel. This fake suppressor is 7" inches in length, 1.5" in diameter (larger section) and 1.375" (thinner section) Threaded 26mm x 1.5 LH, machined in high quality aluminum, knurled at the base (rear), a machined detent locking notch, and finished in our new Flat/Matte jet black anodize. Adds a tactical look to any tricked out AK-47/Yugo PAP M92/85 and can be pinned, permanently attached to reach compliant barrel length. (gun & other components sold separately) Weighs about 14oz **If using it to reach compliant length, make sure to measure your barrel correctly, barrel lengths vary on some Yugos

Posted Wednesday, Sep 27 2017
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Please read the Gun Rodeo statement on Shopify's recent anti-gun actions. Thanks, I read it.