Dec 21, 2017

Correcting your Rifle Cant to Improve Acuraccy

The first step to correct this problem is to buy a good level for your #rifle. There is a large selection of levels available. Some are fairly cheap, while others are rather expensive. Be careful, as some of the models are so nonsensitive that you can cant the level nearly three degrees before the bubble moves. However, even a bad level is better than none at all. With an abundance of levels on the market, you need to do a little research before making your purchase.


The best way to mount a level is to place a colored string and a plumb bob downrange a short distance. One suggestion is to place the string and bob between 50 and 100 meters.

Using a bench rest or the prone position, level the scope’s vertical stadia to the string. Use colored string to make it easier to see. When you have the vertical stadia aligned perfectly, adjust the anti-cant device to read level. This calibrates the device to your reticle.

If you have a normal-style bubble with a line on each side of it to indicate when the device is level, I suggest adjusting the anti-cant device to where the edge of the bubble is touching one of the lines. This makes it easier to identify when you are exactly level.

Multiple Solutions

The most convenient anti-cant devices allow you to transpose the image of the level onto your reticle. For example, you see the level with your nonshooting eye while you are looking through the scope with your shooting eye. You do this by focusing on the level with your nonshooting eye, then changing focus to your shooting eye, which will drag the image of the level onto the reticle. With a little practice you’ll be able to pull the image of the level on demand.

What you don’t want to do is lift your head out of the scope to check your level. This is an unnecessary and time-consuming movement. Still, even doing that is much better than not having a level at all. If you can’t afford a level, I would suggest that you try looking over the top of the scope and level the top turret to the horizon. This will help solve the canting problem until you can afford to purchase a level.

Take time to learn the differences in the products you’re looking into. Pick a quality level, and better enjoy your time on the range and improve your long-range shooting.

Read More Courtesy of Guns and Ammo....

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