Aug 20, 2018


As cool as the newest, biggest, and best things can be- sometimes minimalism and classics are what is really needed. The Alan Folts COLUMBIA RIVER Bowie Knife is just that! Neck Knives often aren't as practical because they don't fold up, but in some situations, you won't have time to unfold your pocket knife. These are emergency situations of course, but, having a holstered Bowie is really the way to go whenever there's a chance of running into a predicament. Even for everyday use, this is a great, reliable, and versatile knife that will cut into whatever you need it to.

A good neck knife is one of the best insurance policies you can buy. The reason being…. if you get into a tough situation, you may not be able to reach your belt knife or open up a folder…. but a neck knife is within easy reach and readily deployed.

Read More Courtesy of Ammo Land...

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